The abandonment wound

This podcast episode features Tony Yario, a Masters of Self University certified coach, who shares his journey of healing from an abandonment wound. He describes how he initially coped with breakups by numbing his pain and seeking external validation, but eventually realized the root of his suffering was a deeper wound. Through the Masters of Self University program, Tony learned to embrace his pain, connect with his heart, and access unconditional love within himself. This transformation has empowered him to support others in their own healing journeys.

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In a world that often prioritizes external validation and fleeting connections, finding true love and fulfillment can feel like an elusive dream. But what if the key to unlocking a life filled with love and joy lies within ourselves? This is the powerful message shared by Tony, a Masters of Self University certified coach, in a recent podcast episode.

Tony's journey began with a deep-seated abandonment wound, a pattern of seeking external validation and numbing his pain in the wake of breakups. He realized that his relationships were often driven by a need for a "mommy" figure, a desperate attempt to fill a void that could only be filled by self-love.

Through the Masters of Self University program, Tony embarked on a transformative journey of self-discovery. He learned to embrace his pain, not as a source of suffering, but as an opportunity for growth. By connecting with his heart and accessing the unconditional love within himself, Tony began to heal the wounds of his past.

This profound transformation empowered Tony to support others in their own healing journeys. He became a beacon of hope, guiding others to embrace their pain, transform it into power, and ultimately discover the boundless love that resides within them.

Tony's story highlights the transformative power of the Masters of Self University program. It emphasizes the importance of recognizing and addressing codependency in relationships, and the need for personal growth and self-love before seeking external validation.

The program teaches individuals to become alchemists, transforming their pain into a source of strength and resilience. By embracing the pain, loving it, and nurturing themselves through the process, individuals can emerge from the darkness with a newfound sense of wholeness and self-love.

Tony's journey is a testament to the transformative power of inner work. It reminds us that true love is not something we find outside of ourselves, but rather a state of being that we cultivate within. By embracing our pain, connecting with our hearts, and accessing the unconditional love that resides within us, we can unlock a life filled with joy, fulfillment, and authentic connection.

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