Becoming The Ways:
Levels 1-3

Becoming The Ways is a journey through the highest enlightened frequencies available in the Age of Aquarius. This transformative path requires evolving beyond duality, embracing cycles of death and rebirth, and mastering the true essence of Oneness.

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What is Becoming The Ways?

The 20 Universal Ways of Oneness™ are the highest level of enlightened frequencies that humans have access to during this Age of Aquarius. Each and every Way of Oneness has 12 levels or octaves to become, vibrate at, and master. The first three octaves are taught here.

To become these enlightened frequencies requires one to evolve higher than they ever have. It means to evolve into a Being of Oneness and move through a full death of the old, separation-duality consciousness that created who you’ve become up to this point. To be rebirthed as a being of Oneness requires discipline along with death, rebirth, death, rebirth, death, rebirth, repeated as many times as you must move through until you truly begin to operate from a level of vibratory Oneness.

This pathway is also learning how to dissolve the misconstrued and mistaught falsities of what Oneness ISN’T. To become The Way of Wisdom means to gain the ability to recognize where ignorance labels separation as Oneness and to course correct your own divinity to authentically align with the energy of Oneness from here forth.

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Meet Rachel Fiori,
your Mystical Professor

Rachel is a Mystic of Oneness. 

Rachel vibrates and lives as each and every Universal Way of Oneness™. She offers the teachings and support to others on how to become these enlightened frequencies so humans can wake up out of the systems of enslavement that humanity is trapped in.

She is here to shatter the brainwashing that traps people in powerlessness, survival mode, ignorance, and disillusionment. 

As a portal for The Ways themselves, Rachel activates the keys that are hidden within each person who chooses to walk this path of enlightened Oneness. Through this mystical transformation, the energetic elevation of each individual opens gateways to quantum jump into parallel worlds, shift one’s reality, and create an entirely new frequency on Earth.

When you learn how to dance to the rhythm of the universe, you realize you are the universe. When this occurs you’re laying the foundation to create miracles.

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Becoming The Ways: Levels 1-3
WHM 20,003


We live on a vibrational planet. WE are vibrational frequencies ourselves. So the old world’s form of education, which is nothing more than memorizing knowledge and regurgitating that knowledge from memory, simply isn’t good enough. Existing only from the level of mind is the lowest form a human can function at.

Evolution requires one to integrate high level teachings into the vibrational frequency that they currently resonate at, at the physical level of their bodies, and then adapt to the new, higher frequencies. It is a spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical becoming.

There are 12 levels to each of the twenty Universal Ways of Oneness. When you learn how to integrate these enlightened frequencies into your beingness; when you literally energetically become them, you are raising your self-divinity to a level that can transform, not just your own life experience, but the entire planet.

Tuning your base-foundational self-frequency to the frequencies of The Universal Ways of Oneness triggers massive healing at the quantum level, skyrockets your level of consciousness, and activates the highest levels of your own divine power.

This is the initiate’s path to what true and authentic Oneness is. When you choose to BECOME THE WAYS of ONENESS, you are choosing to activate a global healing and greater awakening on this planet.


• The Power Within
• Introduction to The Universal Ways of Oneness (digital course)
• Mason's Way Book

Course Includes:

• The evolutionary experience of energetically elevating into the vibratory frequencies of The 20 Universal Ways of Oneness
• Navigating physical ascension symptoms as you evolve
• Integrating psychic gifts that organically arise as you ‘become’
• Navigating relationships as you raise your frequency
• Identifying what Way of Oneness (as a frequency) is missing during conflicts or challenges. Then becoming that Way and witnessing the radical transformation that occurs (sometimes instantaneously)
• A built-in epiphony that you have the actual divine power to rise above a system of enslavement and create a heaven on earth for you and others simply by ‘becoming’ what societal programming has taught you never to become.

Enroll at Masters of Self University and elevate beyond the limitations of your current reality.

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