Quantum Energetics Level 1:  
Quantum Jumping & DNA Recoding

Quantum Energetics is an innovative field merging quantum physics and energy healing. It explores how energy patterns influence health and well-being, utilizing principles of quantum mechanics to promote healing at the cellular level, ultimately enhancing physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness.

Course Description
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What is Quantum Energetics? 

Quantum Energetics is an innovative field merging quantum physics and energy healing. It explores how energy patterns influence health and well-being, utilizing principles of quantum mechanics to promote healing at the cellular level, ultimately enhancing physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness.

The field of quantum mechanics deals with the behavior of matter and energy at the atomic and subatomic levels. When you learn how to interact with these energies, you learn how to transform and shift these energies to create different outcomes and varied life experiences. You can achieve this because YOU are the quantum level. When one learns to function in and as the quantum level; (a function of Oneness versus separation) it is understood that “taking measurements” of your current state of reality allows you to change that state of reality. To be this “observer” of your reality, means you now have the power to shift that reality. 

This is what it means to function at the true, authentic level of what Oneness is. Oneness IS quantum. Quantum IS Oneness. The quantum level of reality is your reality when you learn how to insert yourself into that awareness level and create from that dimension of consciousness. 

The energetic creation of and shifting of your realities at/from/as the quantum level itself is the ability that you have because you ARE the quantum level. This is what quantum jumping is. It’s “finding” a future version of yourself, observing and gaining the vibratory signature of that future you, and then merging those frequencies and transforming the present version of yourself into your future version. 

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Meet Rachel Fiori,
your Mystical Professor

Rachel is a Mystic of Oneness. 

Rachel vibrates and lives as each and every Universal Way of Oneness™. She offers the teachings and support to others on how to become these enlightened frequencies so humans can wake up out of the systems of enslavement that humanity is trapped in.

She is here to shatter the brainwashing that traps people in powerlessness, survival mode, ignorance, and disillusionment. 

As a portal for The Ways themselves, Rachel activates the keys that are hidden within each person who chooses to walk this path of enlightened Oneness. Through this mystical transformation, the energetic elevation of each individual opens gateways to quantum jump into parallel worlds, shift one’s reality, and create an entirely new frequency on Earth.

When you learn how to dance to the rhythm of the universe, you realize you are the universe. When this occurs you’re laying the foundation to create miracles.

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Quantum Energetics Level 1:  Quantum Jumping & DNA Recoding
WLT 13,001

Course Description:

This course continues to guide you out of your mind and into the deep, inner, soul level realization that YOU are the Source-Creator of everything . . . of all that exists. And within this realization you can move forward at the frequency level of the I Am Presence, (ie. The Ways of Oneness) to create, observe, and experience life realities from a very different perspective: the quantum perspective.

This is the energetic level that you function at because you become it. Once you are in Oneness with this quantum level of reality energetically, you can quantum jump, quantum shift, modify your DNA, and alter your life experiences and life events to that of your choosing. This is the frequency of true conscious choice. And it’s living as the free, sovereign being that you deserve to experience and create life from. Working at this level requires a moderate to high level of understanding in subtle energetics and alchemizing your own negative energetic frequencies, traumas, and emotional wounds.


• The Power Within
• Introduction to The Universal Ways of Oneness
• Mason’s Way book 
• Becoming & Living The Ways (ongoing) 

Course Includes:

• Learning how to take quantum measurements of two different realities
• Quantum jumping
• Merging future versions of yourself into your present self
• DNA recoding
• Gaining skills, wisdom, and abilities from alternate versions of you
• Collapsing the wave function of a current trauma, program, or energetic imprint that you no longer wish to experience and replacing it with a more abundant or positive alternative reality
• Introductory level creating portals to move through alternate dimensions
• Learning how to STOP recreating your old experiences once they’ve been transformed; no longer consenting to lower frequencies influencing your life experiences
• Commanding the creation of your reality and life experiences
• Mastering subtle energies on a profound level
• And much, much more :)

Enroll at Masters of Self University and elevate beyond the limitations of your current reality.

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