This Course will identify mind control which is inherent in every facet of human society. It is of vital importance to our health, freedom and consciousness to deprogram ourselves. We cannot evolve ourselves individually or as a collective until we understand the way our minds have been deliberately controlled.
Our world is run by a Satanic cult, and to be in any position of power requires allegiance to the psychopathic, pedophile ruling class that are the real power brokers behind the curtain. They use humanity, via mind control, to co-create this hell on earth reality we currently find ourselves in.
We as a human collective have been abused by them via wars, false flags such as 9-11, global satanic rituals such as the Covid plandemic, weather warfare, engineered poverty and scarcity, technology and other forms of trauma. This Course will cover the use of trauma-based mind control to program people into learned helplessness and compliance. We will explore the history of mind control and how it has evolved over time. Topics such as satanic ritual abuse, psychiatry, the manipulation of attachment, the program of obedience to authority, the use of frequencies and technology will be scrutinized as tools of mass mind control.
This course will provide an understanding of the brain and nervous system, and how those in power use our biology against us. We will further explore how institutions such as the medical and pharmaceutical systems are used to keep us ill and shorten our life spans so we never rise to our true potential.The mind control methods employed by all institutions such as the educational system, religions, media & entertainment, the food industry and governments globally, will be explored and understood. The very fabric of our reality is manipulated and we essentially inhabit a fake world designed to control, harvest and harm us.
Understanding the multi-pronged assault on the human psyche and body is the avenue through which we can free ourselves from the mental chains that keep us small, stuck and unable to rise into our full power and beauty. The truth is the psychopaths that control our world are parasites, they need us and our life force energy to keep this matrix reality going. We are vastly more powerful than them and once we can identify and remove our programming, we are free to co-create a new world in which all life can thrive.
Finally, and most importantly, what will be taught is not just a bunch of rhetoric or knowledge. What is offered here are the energetic strategies that one needs to protect themselves from being brainwashed and mind controlled in the first place. Students will practice utilizing the enlightened frequencies of The Universal Ways of Oneness to restructure their own programming, as well as learn how to remove any interfering frequencies at any time.
Max Lowen is a global citizen having grown up in various countries and is tri-lingual in Italian, Spanish and English. She is a survivor of satanic ritual abuse, torture and trafficking who went on to do her healing work and train in trauma and recovery to help other survivors and those trapped in the cycle of violence.
Max created a show called Unbroken where she interviews survivors, truth warriors, healers and teachers. Max integrates the knowledge she has about the global deep state political machine with issues such as child trafficking and trauma-based mind control to help educate people about the global control structure that keeps humanity trapped in cycles of individual and collective trauma and control. Knowing the truth facilitates finding solutions to the myriad of issues facing humanity and Max shares her knowledge about healing and recovery in an effort to assist individuals in looking inward and doing their shadow work.
The restoration of humanity and our beautiful planet begins with each individual healing themselves and stepping into their fullest potential and power. Inner awareness of Self and outer awareness of the social engineering and harvesting of humanity and all life on the planet are necessary components to achieving freedom within and without.
Max authors articles analyzing the truth behind a variety of geopolitical programs and is currently working on a book about her life as well as creating a trauma training protocol that can facilitate healing for all trauma survivors including those ritually abused.
Max is an advocate for children, whom she considers our most precious asset and the future of the human race.
“Understanding Mind Control: Freeing Ourselves from the Satanic Matrix” is a course that reveals the truth about the strategies of brainwashing and fear mongering in order to control the masses, and the methods that we can carry out to break the chains of mind control, enslavement, and indoctrination.
The evil systems that enslave us, poison us, create wars, and the evil cult leaders that manipulate you and exploit you are not the source of healing and freedom. It’s in ignorance and powerlessness that people hope to “change the system” into one that is fair, just, and empowering; or to expect your abusers to stop abusing you. This course breaks down all the methods that are used to trick, manipulate, and lure you into believing and even supporting systems and individual leaders that do nothing but harm you while convincing you that they’re here to help you.
This is a wake-up call to how we are poisoned spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically. It’s also a powerful course on how to not only end these cycles, but how to never be lured into them ever again by any individual, group, or government organization.
What you learn in this course will assist in dismantling the very systems that are causing all of the harm in our world.
• The Power Within
• Introduction to The Universal Ways of Oneness
• Becoming & Living The Ways (ongoing)
• You can take this course simultaneously with the above courses
• Understanding how you are brainwashed & manipulated and how to heal those programs and break those cycles of powerlessness
• Step by step methods to heal traumas from victimization and suffering
• Incremental methods in prevention from manipulation, propaganda, & brainwashing
• Energetic Activations of frequencies of The Ways of Oneness
• Elevation of higher levels of consciousness to ignite emotional and mental freedom
• None