Introduction to Plant Communication

Explore the profound connection between humans and plants. This spiritual journey invites you to discover the language of the plant kingdom, fostering deeper understanding and harmony with nature's wisdom.

Course Description
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What is Plant Communication?

Did you know that plants have a divine consciousness? Just like all living beings, plants have a physical vessel and a spirit that experiences this earth reality through that vessel. The plant’s spirit or consciousness telepathically communicates. And humans have the ability to learn how to receive this communication and communicate back. 

Whether you have house plants, a favorite tree that you pass by when hiking, or a full blown garden, you can talk to plants and nature beings! And yes, plants can “hear” you speaking to them. Although they don’t have physical ears, they telepathically and energetically decode what you are saying to them. And you can learn how to receive and translate their telepathic messages that they are sending to you. It’s easier to pick up on these skills than you might think. But with all skills, it simply requires The Way of Patience while you learn to hone in on the oneness of what plant communication is.

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Meet Rachel Fiori, your Mystical Professor

Rachel is a Mystic of Oneness.

Rachel vibrates and lives as each and every Universal Way of Oneness™. She offers the teachings and support to others on how to become these enlightened frequencies so humans can wake up out of the systems of enslavement that humanity is trapped in.

She is here to shatter the brainwashing that traps people in powerlessness, survival mode, ignorance, and disillusionment.

As a portal for The Ways themselves, Rachel activates the keys that are hidden within each person who chooses to walk this path of enlightened Oneness. Through this mystical transformation, the energetic elevation of each individual opens gateways to quantum jump into parallel worlds, shift one’s reality, and create an entirely new frequency on Earth.

When you learn how to dance to the rhythm of the universe, you realize you are the universe. When this occurs you’re laying the foundation to create miracles.

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Introduction to Plant Communication
WHN 11,001

Course Description:

Part of what you’ll discover, if you don’t already know, is that plants have their own personalities. Some won’t want to talk to you and they have their reasons why. Learning to approach plants and communication with them requires one to become The Universal Ways of Oneness during their communication attempts. Think about it, if a stranger walked up to you and just started talking to you and never introduced themselves or asked if it was okay to start a conversation, how would you feel?

Plants and nature in general have been treated like insignificant objects by most humans for centuries. It’s time to change that selfish relationship of separation with nature beings. When one elevates and energetically demonstrates the vibrational frequencies of Harmlessness & Gentleness, Trust, Honoring, and Purity, it makes it a lot easier for plant spirits to open themselves up to you and begin to build a relationship with you.

These skills can seem challenging at first because you’re not reading body language, hearing fluctuations in tone of voice, or taking in facial expressions. The communication is purely telepathic. So it requires one to become The Way of Trust within themselves and The Way of Presence in order to openly receive the information from a plant spirit, translate it, and then respond back accordingly.


• The Power Within
• Introduction to The Universal Ways of Oneness (digital course)
• Mason’s Way book 
• Going Beyond (ongoing)
• Becoming The Universal Ways of Oneness (ongoing)

Course Includes:

• The practice of energetic vibrational ‘matching’ of a plant being
• Activations of appropriate energetic frequencies to demonstrate The Way of Honoring of a plant spirit 
• The practice of telepathy 
• Plant spirit etiquette 
• Identifying what Way of Oneness allows for certain plants to engage in open communication 
• What to do when a plant refuses to communicate
• How to communicate with the plants in your garden, home, or yard
• How to learn a plant’s name 
• And so much more . . .

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