Introduction to Animal Communication

Connect with Nature's Wisdom: Learn the Art of Animal Communication and deepen your bond with the animal kingdom

Course Description
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What is Animal Communication?

Animal communication is the ability to receive psychic, visual, telepathic, or empathic transmissions from an animal, and translate those messages into direct communication for humans. Animals are actually excellent communicators and typically very excited to share information and messages with their humans.

Yes, even dragons!

Although animals do not speak our language per say, they do share their own thoughts, emotions, and experiences with us regularly. They are always telepathically transmitting these images, sounds, emotions, and energies to us. An animal communicator learns how to receive those messages and translate them to the correct intended meaning and into language that humans understand.

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Meet Rachel Fiori, your Mystical Professor

Rachel is a Mystic of Oneness.

Rachel vibrates and lives as each and every Universal Way of Oneness™. She offers the teachings and support to others on how to become these enlightened frequencies so humans can wake up out of the systems of enslavement that humanity is trapped in.

She is here to shatter the brainwashing that traps people in powerlessness, survival mode, ignorance, and disillusionment.

As a portal for The Ways themselves, Rachel activates the keys that are hidden within each person who chooses to walk this path of enlightened Oneness. Through this mystical transformation, the energetic elevation of each individual opens gateways to quantum jump into parallel worlds, shift one’s reality, and create an entirely new frequency on Earth.

When you learn how to dance to the rhythm of the universe, you realize you are the universe. When this occurs you’re laying the foundation to create miracles.

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Introduction to Animal Communication
WTS 10,001

Course Description:

Psychic transmissions from animals tend to come extremely quickly and it is up to the animal communicator to open their own energy channels and fields to receive all of the messages so they can be deciphered properly. The very basics of animal communication are simple. However it takes levels of learning and mastering to reach a stage where you are so pure (as The Way of Purity), that you can communicate with wild animals, (such as in sanctuaries) and help them without getting attacked or hurt, or with traumatized animals who are extremely fearful. 

The absolute best animal communicators are masters of their own energetic frequencies. If your energy field or emotions are unpredictable, unstable, or chaotic, you will never feel safe to an animal, especially an animal who truly needs your help. So this course, although considered an introductory course, is jam packed with wisdom, strategies, and techniques to enhance your abilities as an animal communicator.


• You will need to have access to animals outside of your own pets if you own your own pets. This could include: 
                 • Shelters/Rescues
                 • Doggie daycare settings
                 • A friend or family member’s pet 
                 • Animals that you pet sit for or dog walk for 
                 • Farms or animal sanctuaries

• You will be required to take a picture of an animal that you practice a reading on and share it with the class (in our discord class server). 

• For those that have their own pets, you will be required to provide pictures of your pets with general information about them so they can be used in class for students to practice with


• The Power Within
• Introduction to The Universal Ways of Oneness 
• Mason’s Way Book
• Becoming The Ways of Oneness Levels 1-3

This Course Includes:

• Master your own energy to safely be in the presence of animals

• Become the frequencies of The Ways of Oneness with the ability to determine which frequency an animal needs you to activate for them

• Increase your clairvoyance, clairsentience, claircognizance, clairaudience, and overall telepathic abilities

• Learn to translate the telepathic messages you receive and decipher them properly

• Learn to give instructions for change to the animal’s handler/human

Required Reading:

Mason's Way: The 20 Universal Ways of Oneness - Rachel Fiori

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